Mapulani Lyrics English Translation

Original (Chewa (Chichewa), English)English Translation
[Verse 1][Verse 1]
Ndinkayendera zangaI was just walking for my own things1I was just going about my business
Ndisaname ndinalibiretu mapulaniI won’t lie, I totally had no plans
Tangokumana iwe ndi ine eh ehWe’ve just met, you and I eh eh
Ona ndikusanja mapulaniLook I’m putting my plans together
Kuno ndi kumbali baby tili awiriWe are the two of us here in private
Ndikutsitsa mfundo manifestoI’m laying out my manifesto
Koma ndikangolowa mu boma lakoIf I just enter your government
Sindzatula pansi udindoI will not put down my responsibilities2I will not drop the crown/ I will never step down from that throne
Otsutsa boma samalephera ma damageSomeone who abuses his position will always cause damage3Literally: “One who abuses government does not fail to cause damage.” Here, the man refers to someone who has been playing this girl, causing damage.
Koma ulendo uno akumana nazoBut this time, he has met his rival4Meaning: I’m here and the man causing damage has met his end.
Ndilibe chipani ine independentI have no party, I’m an independent candidate
Iwe ndiwe my running mateYou are my running mate
Eh mapulani angaEh my plans
Eeh eeh eeh mapulani eh ehEeh eeh eeh plans eh eh
Ati eeh eeh eeh mapulani eh ehI say eeh eeh eeh plans eh eh
Ati eh eh mapulani babyI say eh eh plans, baby
Awa ndiwo timati mapulaniThese are what we call plans
Akuti eeh eeh eeh eeh my baby girlI say eeh eeh eeh eeh my baby girl
Awa ndiwo timati mapulaniThese are what we call plans
Mvela eeh eh eh eh ehListen eeh eh eh eh eh
Eeeh eh ehEeeh eh eh
Awa ndiwo timati mapulaniThese are what we call plans
[Verse 2][Verse 2]
Kawafunseni anzangaGo and ask my friends
Omwe ndimacheza nawoThe ones I hang out with
Amanditcha one man chiyenda yekhaThey call me one man, solo walker5He assures the girl that he is not a player and even his friends call him “the man who walks alone”
Tangokumana iwe ndi ine babyWe’ve just met, you and I
Tikuyenda awiriWe are walking the two of us
You better tell your friendsYou better tell your friends
Adzavale ma dress apamwambaThey should come and wear expensive dresses
Ine ndi anzanga titapha ma suit apamwambaMy friends and I will be rocking expensive suits
Abambo ako adzakuperekeze babyYour father will escort you
Kudzakusiya m’manja mwangaThen leave you in my hands
Ndikufuna mayi wanga akamandionaI want when my mother sees me
Adziona m’maso mwawo bambo angaIn her eyes, she should see my father in me6He wants his mother to look proudly at the man he has become, and see his father (likely late) reflected in him.
Ndimomwe adaddy anawatengera amamiRemembering how dad took her hand in marriage
Kuwachotsa pakhomo lamakolo awoTaking her from her parents’ house
Eh mapulani angaEh my plans
Eeh eeh eeh mapulani ndi awaEeh eeh eeh these are plans
Ati eeh eeh eeh mapulaniI say eeh eeh eeh plans
Koma eeh eeh eeh mapulani babySure eeh eeh eeh plans, baby
Imvwa mapulaniListen to [these] plans
Komano eeh eeh eeeeehSure eeh eeh eeeeeh
Koma eeh eeh eeh mapulani awaSure eeh eeh eeh these plans
Komano eeh eeh eeh mapulani babySurely eeh eeh eeh plans baby
Iwe mvela mapulaniListen to these plans
Ati eeh eeh eeh mapulaniI say eeh eeh eeh plans

See also: Namadingo – Mapulani Lyrics

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Track Info

ReleasedMarch, 2020
GenreAfro Pop/Soul
Language(s)Chewa (Chichewa), English
Country of originMalawi

Watch “Mapulani” Video by Namadingo

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